Saturday, December 11, 2010

Irregular Ceremonies

Last night we had a Lay Entrustment Ceremony for Marsha Angus. I was quite relaxed about this one, as we were following the format that we did with Bernd's ceremony six months ago, and also because, as I discovered then, when Michael is conducting such a ceremony, I don't have to worry about how it will go, because it will just unfold naturally.
It was an intimate gathering, mostly of old friends. As statements were made and questions asked, I appreciated that a lot of the people there had been practising together for thirty-five years, and that deep connection was very apparent, and very warm. This is one of the amazing things about the Zen Center community. I have been here for a little more than ten years, and I can still feel like a beginner sometimes.
There was a person whose presence was very strong in the room, even though she was not there - Darlene Cohen. She was invoked by Michael, Marsha and the assembly, as she approaches death, and at the same time is committed to giving Dharma Transmission to two of her students, and I was asked to include her in the dedication at the end of the ceremony. I have many memories of her from my early days here, when she was more local, and would give talks regularly. I will see if I can find a picture of her as well, from pre-digital days, as I only have three pictures of her from the past few years, and none really captures her - fieriness was the main quality invoked last night.
There is another sangha member close to death who has also been embodying this - although she was supposed to have been carried off by cancer by now, she was at the Saturday program today, looking formidably alive, and many people were glad to see her here again. This is our community, our connection and closeness, as we confront old age, sickness and death.

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