Monday, October 4, 2010


I wouldn't claim that the readership of this blog is anything but modest, but I do enjoy looking at the stats. This morning I saw that there was a spike in page views in the middle of the night local time - someone read 48 pages in one go, it looks like. The global spread for page views of the last twenty-four hours is equally intriguing:

United States       97
Hungary              14
Russia                 14
Germany               5
Poland                  3
United Arab Emirates 2
United Kingdom    2
Ireland                  2
Mexico                 2
Bolivia                  1

1 comment:

Sandy's witterings said...

I enjoy lookign at the stats to but sometimes I feel they like to help my modesty along by keeping the numbers a bit lower than they really are. I often get the odd comment without a visit being rung up and this morning I installed an other counter which rung up 9 visits by 2 people all while registering 1 on the official log - hmm methinks.
Now, I might have landed here looking for blogs about stats (not my usual interest, nor I think yours), but the rest of your site looks pretty good, so after I've got myself a cup of tea I'm going to ring up a few more counts for the UK on your counter. :)