Friday, October 29, 2010


I have not got my head around "The Mind itself is Buddha" today, and this mind is mostly focused on Sejiki this evening (please come and chant dharanis with us, in costume if you must), so here are some photos from the last few mornings of changeable weather.


Sandy's witterings said...

We had a very pleasant sunset out here on the atlantic last night - which I suspect would only have been an hour or so after you had your sunrise. As the day's contract we should be getting our sunset at the same time as your sunrise.

Shundo said...

Hi Sandy,

Thanks for the comment, I am still trying to figure out what the sunset times might be over there at the moment - our clocks don't go back until next weekend, and these pictures were all taken after breakfast, so around 7:45 am PST. I won't take a picture this morning, as we are having our third wet weekend in a row - early in the season for this much rain.

Sandy's witterings said...

Sunset itself is around half past four in Aberdeen today (we're a bit further north so it will be a touch earlier here)- that's half eight in the mornign your time me thinks.
Clocks go back tonight though I don't suspect the sun will pay the slightest notice.