Thursday, September 15, 2011


It shouldn't really come as much of a surprise in a community as close-knit as this one, that moods tend to circulate and be infectious. It can be quite noticable during the check-ins we do at the beginning of senior staff meeting, that several people feel edgy or irritated, or as was the case this week, buoyant. Probable proximate causes for the upswing this week are having the vacationing Tassajara people here, bringing their sense of relief that the summer has come to a close, or the fact that there was an outing to the ballgame planned, and the resident's retreat coming up this weekend, a little lull before the practice period begins, - or of course it could just be planetary alignment.
In the end there were about thirty people connected with Zen Center at the Giants game yesterday, with almost everybody from development, other staff and residents, good friends and a couple of young ones. I had my camera with me, but none of the people shots were universally flattering enough to be posted here, so here are some more generic pictures. Compared to the last outing, it was a monochromatic day - though the game itself was perhaps more lively - except for the food offerings...

Not my idea of lunch

Lincecum was on great form
Hardly a patch of blue sky all day
Six of us got there and back by bike, which was most civilised

1 comment:

Fanfan said...

This looks like Beijing!