Thursday, August 23, 2012

Thirteen Conversations About One Thing

In some ways we have come full circle. These days people are asking me when my last day as ino will be - September 1st; what I will be doing during September - as little as possible, with an outing to Tassajara work period with a group from Young Urban Zen the only definite thing on my agenda;  whether I am looking forward to going to Tassajara - of course, any time I go down is something to look forward to; how long I am going for - just the three months as best as I can predict now; and what am I going to be doing when I come back - as usual, there is an idea for me, but how that will translate into reality in a few months' time is anybody's guess.
'Nowhere-else mind' notwithstanding, I have found myself recently with images of Tassajara floating into my mind, sense impressions from other times: the smell and feel of the dusty path down through the cabins before the sun comes up; the intense freshness of the morning air as we walk up to the zendo with stars overhead; the blue jays chattering as they stir and decide it is time to look for some breakfast at first light; the sound of the han or the drum dying away in the open air, with none of the easy confinement of the instruments in this building.
Naturally I was looking for some photos to illustrate this, and I found that few of my pictures are actually of the quiet corners or ordinary moments, of which there are many.


Myomon said...

Shundo, I will be passing through Aug. 31-Sept. 1 and hope I catch up with you.

Bows and gratitude for your practice and this blog.


Shundo said...

I heard this at breakfast. Hopefully you can be at the Full Moon ceremony on Saturday morning.
It will be nice to see you.

Myomon said...

oh, yes! I'll be there!

Sandy's witterings said...

We were drinking tea in the local cafe on Friday a few hours before I went off on a bit of a journey for a few days. Information from the other side of the table said part of me had left already. She was right you know - I was well on my way and just hadn't noticed.
Seems part of you has already left for Tassajara too. It must just be part of the human condition.
Lovely pictures and great writing - enjoyed the part of your journey that has found it's way onto your blog.

Shundo said...

Thanks Sandy. Not to fear, I will still be leaving comments on your blog, at least when I am not at Tassajara, and of course, I won't say 'never again'...
Oh, and it turns out that the pieces of stained glass I have featuered here at Zen Center were actually created by one of the early City Center residents. He was here yesterday, though I was running around as usual, so I wasn't able to chat with him, but you can find his work here:
I expect you will enjoy browsing that site.