Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Coming And Going

There is something of a lull in the ino world right now; the only ceremony I have on my radar is a service to mark Earth Day, which we will do on Saturday morning. This gives me a chance to feel a little more settled and spacious than has been the case at times recently, and also to look at some projects that have been put aside waiting for such a time. There is of course always work to do making sure the doanryo is completely filled, the talks are uploaded and the tenken report up to date if nothing else.
Nevertheless I am also aware that I will be away next week, down at the Tassajara work period with half a dozen members of YUZ, so I am hoping to ensure I don't leave any loose ends on Saturday, and my time seems pretty tightly scheduled until then. I am also starting to firm up arrangements for my trip to England, which will happen in the second half of May, and also includes this retreat for any of you who are within range of the West Country and might be interested. After that, we are starting to plan for the next YUZ retreat at Green Gulch, so I can feel how much of me is being pulled into the future, and how crowded that can make things seem. So apologies if I don't get much more written before I leave. You can stay tuned next week though; things will appear.
The weather has been considerably varied in the past week, with the unusual occurrence of a heavy thunderstorm, as well as rain, grey skies, blue skies, warm and cold. This morning the skies looked promising:


Shonen said...

so you're going to have a "working" vacation while you're in England... is the west country your home turf?

Shundo said...

Interesting question, Shonen. My father's side of the family lived in Cornwall for 600 years or so, and he lives there now, so I think of it as home, and it really feels like home, even though I have never lived there.

Shonen said...

well I hope you get plenty of R & R while you're there...and eat lots of crumpets....

Shundo said...

That's a good thought. Crumpets will almost certainly happen, R&R should be on the cards...

Sandy's witterings said...

Seems your San Francisco weather is just trying to adjust you to May in England. I hear they're getting it a bit wet just now (much needed I think).
I'm sure there will be leading up to going away posts but, if not, have a great trip.