Saturday, January 8, 2011

The Ino's Desire

This title came from one of the search keywords that popped up in the stats - actually what was written was 'inos desire', so who knows if they ended up in the right place (as for 'сежики', another search term, maybe someone who understands cyrillic can tell me if they might have found what they were after - Google Translate came up with something about a snowplough... okay, it was actually 'snowplow', being American and all).
Maybe they do mean me; but what desires could I possibly have, apart from that everyone shows up and does their job? We had a lot of juggling around this morning's doanryo - the kokyo has been sick and didn't have a voice, so yesterday I suggested that she take over the vacant doan slot for today, but then she was not well enough to be up this morning. I had someone else lined up as kokyo, but they were asked to be nightwatch last night, so they were out, and the soku was also sick, so we had to do some internal promotions in the serving crew to get that to work.
Nevertheless, it was a pretty smooth morning. Even if the residents are a little thin on the ground still, with sickness and vacations, in the zendo at 9:25, and especially at the talk, we had more people than usual, which I attribute to the power of resolution; we typically get a little boost in January, and I hope I can help encourage our new visitors to keep showing up and to get more involved. Maybe we can call that another desire of mine...


Anonymous said...

'сежики' could be romanized as 'sejiki,' so that's probably your answer... I assume it's just a coincidence, but I don't speak Russian, so I really have no idea.

Shundo said...

Thank you for that - it makes much more sense than snowplough anyway. I should have clarified that the search came from Bulgaria...

Sarah McAleer said...

"we had to do some internal promotions" - I like that. Makes something that could be a bummer, into something more positive. I like learning ways people work in groups.

Shundo said...

Luckily, the person I asked is one of the people who is happy to say yes to something new,which any zen student worth their salt should be.