I ran into Tim O'Connor today and he asked me if any posts were forthcoming and I felt kind of bad because, well, what's the use of having a blog that doesn't get posted to? Linda and I taught our first class that we're co-leading last night:
Not one, Not Two: Relationships as a Field of Liberation, and we felt like it went extremely well. Off to a great start and to our amazement 22 people showed up. Tomorrow I'm giving the Wednesday night Dharma Talk here at City Center, so it isn't like I'm twiddling my thumbs not bothering to blog. Our Practice Period led by our Tanto, Rev. Jordan Thorn, is off to a great start! Participation in the schedule is marked by high energy and enthusiasm, and people are making new spiritual companions left and right!
I just wanted to take this opportunity to clear something up: there are NO crocodiles in the City Center zendo, nor have there ever been! Our zendo has been 100% crocodile free since 1969!
I'm just saying.