Thursday, April 14, 2011


My friend Colin at Austin Zen Center rang up a few weeks ago in need of chip incense and charcoal, and of course we had a bit of a natter about things at the same time, and with Renee's help, we got what he needed, and he sent over a cheque which arrived at the beginning of sesshin, and the two boxes had been sitting in my office for a couple of weeks until yesterday when I finally had the time and energy to find a box to put them in, and paper to wrap the box in, and to go down to the post office and get it off in the mail, in a crowd of people mostly wanting to get their tax forms safely delivered.
I ended up being doshi for afternoon zazen yesterday, after getting back from the post office, and while my sitting has been a little more concentrated than it was earlier in the week, I still don't feel completely in the groove. During service, there being a small crowd, I didn't feel that we were flowing well together, and the incensor and kobako needed to be straightened on the altar, but after I had done that, I had a moment of feeling properly focused in my role. And then, I was just about to do the exit bows at the end of service when I realised that I had neglected to pick up my zagu after the three prostrations: I had started thinking, during the prostrations, of how I was going to claim back for the postage I had paid for and whether the accounting department could offset that cost against what Colin had paid by cheque...


Angela said...

Sorry you did not feel like we flowed yesterday. Maya and I were honoured to do jika for you. And you actually really helped after a challenging day.

Shundo said...

I hope you didn't take that personally - I meant the whole assembly. You guys did a great job, especially the penguin. I'm glad it helped lift your mood.