Monday, August 30, 2010


A couple of residents asked me today if I had got up for zazen, and I said no, I had woken up at five, but I did not get out of bed. This is interim week, and I am happy to take the week off from sitting zazen twice a day. I am also trying to make it a light work week without feeling guilty about it. One reason for this is that I had a friend stop by the ino's office last week and invite me over to the East Bay for a Saturday evening. I looked through my diary and had something happening either all day Saturday or on Sunday until October 23rd, so it is going to be a very busy time.
Today I managed to get eight talks from Tassajara onto the website, which does not completely clear the backlog I have had since the Genzo-e, but gets me pretty close. Hopefully Greg will be happy about this, as he has been encouraging me in this matter.

I also wanted to thank all the people who have been commenting on posts recently; it is heartening to know that people are reading this. I do get some nice positive feedback in person too. In fact the other day, after writing about my robes, when I went to the zendo for afternoon zazen, after I sat down I noticed that Roger, the doan for the session, seemed to be looking over from the next seat as I arranged my robes. When I was just about settled, he rubbed my koromo sleeve and we both had big smiles on our faces, without anything needing to be said - another intimate moment.

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